Advanced isolated operator workstation

- Description
- Specifications
- Files
- Support
- Where to buy
YKRM–1 is an advanced isolated operator work station with a wide range of functional capabilities. The convenient and efficient arrangement of the controls and display elements enables the operator to observe the situation as a whole and react promptly. The work station is compatible with the electronic map-making systems and Multitouch dispatching equipment. Besides the touch screen control, УКРМ-1 includes two classic industrial-version keyboards with trackball. Such organization of the controls will provide comfortable working environment even for the most conservative users. The external LED lighting and the brightness of the desk-integrated display may be adjusted to provide comfort operation at any time of day and night. Apart from the electronic systems, УКРМ-1 is equipped with drawers to store paper maps, books, manuals and navigation instruments. YKRM-1 is manufactured either in "standing” or "sitting”-operation configuration. Customer solutions are also possible. Further improvement of УКРМ-1-based functionality may be achieved by installing extra LCD’s and indicators in inclined vertical view plane and installing special controls for efficient solution of every single task.
- Possible applications:
- Chart table;
- Vessel traffic management system operator’s station;
- Dispatching station;
- Station of emergency assessment, management and forecasting;
- Decision-making station/Captain’s (commander’s) station;
- Training complex element;
- Action control station, e.g. for unmanned aircraft.
- Functional scheme
- Booklets
- Booklet (pdf, 679.3 KB)